Saturday, January 01, 2005

ninja stars

ninjas aren't really into reading their ninja stars.

they think astrology isn't relevent to their lifestyle. my ninja is a scorpio. she's secretly proud of it, because it means she has a big stingy poisonous thing which she can use to kill her enemies with. since she started reading her ninja stars in ninja weekly, she's been carrying her kusarigama around a lot more. she says it must be good luck, because it's kind of like a scorpio's weapon of choice.

this week, her ninja stars said she must be "careful of crouching tigers."

i was born in the year of the tiger. she has been sitting on her chair, scowling at me, playing with the chain of her kusarigama. she says, "if you move, i'll kill you," a lot.

i'm not moving.

her kusarigama is sharp and the pointy end worries me.

remember: ninja don't mind the sight of blood, so they don't worry when they get a paper cut, unless they poisoned the paper before they cut themself. then they die.

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